Join us as we journey through the attributes of God from A-Z. Each day there will be a characteristic of God highlighted along with a scripture, prayer prompt, and additional resource for you to use. You can also follow along on our social media accounts.
“For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” Romans 8:15(ESV)
*PROMPT: Spend some time reflecting on the truth that you have Abba God as your eternal Father. As you remind yourself of who God is, receive the fact that He is available to be those things for YOU. Listen to the song below and receive God’s love and delight towards you!
LISTEN to “Sons and Daughters” by Iron Bell Music and let God speak to you about His love.
“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9 (NLT)
*PROMPT: God is the God of the process. Often times our circumstances and path look nothing like what He’s promised us. Just like Joseph our lives can actually look like the opposite of where we thought God was taking us. But God is building character and trust in the process and as we lean on Him He is working out His better than plan.
Today, ask and reflect what the better than plan for your life is from a Better Than God.
WATCH: This video of Gregg Dedrick sharing insight from the story of Joseph.
“I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever. John 14:16 (NASB)
*Prompt: Father, today we adore you as the Comforting God. In the midst of the pain of life’s circumstances you Father are the one who truly understands and draws near. You do not shrink back from my grief, confusion, and fear.
LISTEN to this adoration song and prayer. Let the God who is full of comfort surround you and minister to you right where you are. He loves to comfort, invite Him in.
The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the defense of my life; Whom shall I dread? Psalm 27:1
*Prompt: Today God we thank you for being the Defender God. We say today that you are always defending us and You will never stop! You will always fight and defend Your children with fierce love.
Today, reflect and thank Him for being the One who never stops working even when we cannot see it. Call back to remembrance times in Your life where You have seen Him defend you when it seemed or felt like no one else was.
Take a listen to this song. Be encouraged and that regardless of what comes our way God’s love is a fortress that rushes in to cancel out everything that is coming against us.
"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging."
Psalm 46: 1-3
*Prompt: Father, we thank you for being the Ever Present God. We take time to acknowledge how deeply acquainted you are with our lives and how close you are to our situation.
Thank you that when it may seem we are the only one who knows our circumstance, You are steadfast and ever present.
Today, thank Him for being a God who cares for you deeply and who is closer than a friend
Then my enemies will turn back in the day when I call; This I know, that God is for me. Psalm 56:9 (NASB)
Father, today we say You are a God who is always for us. In life’s circumstances we know that You will never leave or forsake us. Thank you that when I need an advocate, a champion, and a friend I know you will come through. You are always working on my behalf to bring me into the fullness of what you have for my life.
Take some time today and listen to this song about the God who is for You. Rejoice and celebrate in this truth today!
Father, today we declare You as the Good God. Your goodness is always pursuing me even in circumstances that say otherwise. We choose today to remember, and thank you for this part of who you are. I look back through the pages of my life and see that your goodness marks the beginning and the end of my story. In your timing, You always reveal how You were working things out to put your goodness on display.
Listen to this song and meditate on the goodness of our God and begin to thank Him for His goodness.
“The Lord is my portion and my inheritance,” says my soul; “Therefore I have hope in Him and wait expectantly for Him.” Lamentations 3:24 (AMP)
Father, today we thank you and acknowledge You as the Hope filled God. As we look at things that are going on around us we thank you for your active hope. I confess it’s hard to trust you when I don’t understand what you’re doing but my waiting will not be in vain.
You will meet me on the horizon with your faithfulness and provision this I know. I hope in you!
“In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.” Psalm 16:11 (NASB)
Father, today we look to you as the Joyful God. When we are in situations of life that seem joyless we can look to your character that never changes and look to Your contagious joy.
Even in the midst of the storms of life we declare your joy alone is our strength. We thank you right now that you are a God that in the midst of the silence you are always calling gold out of the dust.
Take some time today to celebrate and remember the Joyful God.
LISTEN to this song and declare back to Him that He really is the Joyful God.
“How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God!And the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings.”Psalm 36:7
Father, today we look to you today as the Kind God. You are the One out of your kindness that would move heaven and earth for your children. You are a God that always comes running to us no matter how far we are from You. It’s the way that You love us like no other can. Your kindness is always before us so today we look to Your face and simply say, thank you.
As you listen to this song, remember the situations that you can remember how kind He was to you. Thank Him. Journal your thoughts. He is full of kindness today and forever.
“The Lord appeared to [a]him from afar, saying, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness.” Jeremiah 31:3 (NASB)
Father, today we adore you as the Loving God. The One whose eyes are full of love and full of compassion towards us. We say thank you today that your love has no boundaries and it will never end. Your love is one that will leave the 99 to go after the one. It’s endless and full of passion. It’s a love that propelled you willingly to go to the cross.
Today as you listen to this song we encourage you to ( out loud ) thank Him for His never ending and never failing love toward you. It’s a love that lasts forever.
“Who is like You among the gods, O Lord? Who is like You, majestic in holiness, Awesome in praises, working wonders? Exodus 15:11 (NASB)
Father, today we adore You as the Majestic God. We say today, who is like you in all of heaven and on earth? Father, how majestic is your name in all the earth. All creation shouts your splendor! Your beauty covers the earth and it has no comparison!
Today, go outside, take a walk, and look around at creation declaring our Majestic God. Begin to adore Him for His beauty, splendor and awesome in praise.
Far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. Eph 1:21
For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name. Phil 2:9
Father today we adore you as the Name above all names. There is no name higher than You, Father. You sit enthroned above every power and principality. There has never been and never will be anyone with a name higher than Yours. We exalt you today Father and honor Your name today. Adore Him today as the God that is above every other name.
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:8
Father, today we adore You as the Open Hearted God. You will never turn us away or shut us out. You constantly want to reveal more of Yourself to us so we may come closer to You! Your love for us has no restraint and has no boundaries. You are and will forever be the God that opens His heart toward us. He is inviting You in today and everyday.
As you listen to this song, rest in the truth that His heart is never shut off toward you. It is always open and cares deeply for you.
Peace I leave with you; My [perfect] peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.] John 14:27
Father, today we adore you as the Peace Giving God. We thank You for the peace you give that goes passed any and all of our understanding. When life seems to not make sense Your peace has a way of rushing in. Your peace is tangible and has substance. It wraps around us in times of uncertainty, hurt, and pain like a blanket. We thank you for this perfect peace today and we say thank you to You, the Prince of peace, for this gift.
As you listen to this prayer let your heart engage with the words and let Him give you His perfect and comforting peace.
He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake. Psalms 23:3
Oh, that the salvation of Israel ]would come out of Zion! When God restores His captive people, Let Jacob rejoice, let Israel be glad. Psalms 53:6
Father, today we adore You as the Restoring God. You love to take things that are broken and restore them even better than they were before. You take us and mold us back to what You created. Even in the pits of life You aren’t afraid to get into our mess and love us all the way through the restoration process. We thank You that You never wait for us to get our stuff together, but You meet us where we are, grab our hand and walk with us through every part. You are kind and loving just as a gentle Father would be. You never say no to restoration, but your heart is always ready to engage with ours and make the broken things right.
As you listen to this prayer remember that you have someone who is always for you and who is always with you. He is always wanting to bring you closer to Himself. He is speaking to your heart today. Listen and respond to what He may want to do in and through you today!
“I, even I, am the Lord, And there is no savior besides Me. Isaiah 43:11
looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of [a]our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus, Titus 2:13
Father, today we come to adore You as the Saving God. You are the only One who can save us. Even while we were still sinners you chose willingly to go to the cross fueled by your intense love for us. We thank you today for the gift of saving us. You truly are the great rescuer. You loved us. You saw us. You desired to be with us. You saved us. Today we meditate on that truth and say we will never take your incredible sacrifice for granted.
As you listen to this prayer of several attributes of who God is and thank Him for being the Saving God to you today.
“With Him are wisdom and might; To Him belong counsel and understanding. Job 12:13
The Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him, The spirit of wisdom and understanding, Isaiah 11:2
Father, today we adore You as the Understanding God. You are not caught off guard by the circumstances of life, but You are full of wisdom and bring heavenly solutions to every situation. You are the God that sees the end from the beginning. We say today that You are full of all wisdom. Full of all understanding. You are always the One we can lean into instead of trusting our own understanding. You are the Great Counselor and today we simply acknowledge this truth today.
As you think and look to the Understanding God begin to invite Him into any and every situation where you need His counsel. He loves to reveal His wisdom to His children. All we need to do is ask!
For I know the plans that I [a]have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. Jer. 29:11
The counsel of the Lord stands forever, The plans of His heart from generation to generation. Psalm 33:11
Father, today we adore you as The Visionary God. We thank you that you always have a vision for our lives. From the very beginning you placed in us your plans and your purposes. Even we were far off your vision for us was always good. We will always belong to You. Your plans Father give each of us a hopeful future that we can be confident in.
Today as you listen to this song begin to thank the Lord for being such a great Visionary God for your life. He really does have a purpose for your life and He really does have a plan for your life. And Guess what? It’s really good too!
Gird Your sword on Your thigh, O Mighty One, In Your splendor and Your majesty! Psalm 45:3
The LORD is a warrior, The LORD is His name. Ex. 15:3
Father, today we adore you as the Warrior God. We say You and You alone fight our battles seen and unseen. You are the One who defeated darkness. We declare that You are the warrior God and that is Your name! In the midst of the battles of life we can look to You and stand firm in confidence that you will protect Your children at all cost. You are not a God that sits idly by and doesn’t choose to intervene. Oh Mighty Warrior we say thank you for every battle You have fought on our behalf whether we were aware or not. You are our mighty Warrior God!
Today as you listen to this song thank Him for being Your Warrior God. Sometimes we don’t always see that He is fighting battles on our behalf. We often are more aware of battles He fights for others rather than ourselves.
I will give thanks to the LORD according to His righteousness And will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High. Psalm 7:17
The LORD also will be a stronghold for the oppressed, A stronghold in times of trouble; Psalm 9:9
Father, today we come to You and adore You as Yawheh. We say today there is so much power in that name. We give thanks today and sing praises to Your name, LORD Most High. We honor Your name today with holy reverence. You are the one thing that we can hold onto in times of trouble. You hide us in the shadow of Your wings and protect us from our enemies. You are the LORD and that is Your Name! We declare You know the end from the beginning and that Your kingdom has no end. You are constant. You LORD stand alone and there is no other. We praise you today and thank You loving and compassionate Yahweh.
Today, reflect on how majestic is Yahweh God. A name so powerful it was rarely even uttered. Reflect on His power as well as His loving,compassionate desire toward you today.
His disciples remembered that it was written, “Zeal for Your house will consume me.” John 2:17
Then the Lord will be zealous for His land And will have pity on His people. Joel 2:18
Father, today we adore You as the Zealous God. You are consumed with zeal for your people out of Your desire to be in relationship with us. You are zealous for every part of our hearts and You will stop at nothing until You get it. I am not rejected. You are not ashamed of us. We say today that we are free of shame in Your Glory! You don’t just parts of our hearts, no You desire every part. You have given us Your name! What a beautiful exchange that you orchestrated fueled by the love and zeal You have in Your heart for us. We thank you Father being on that desired us even before we knew You.
Today, as you are listening to this song thank Him for being the Zealous God. His heart is full of zeal for every part of your heart. Begin to talk to Him and ask Him about the places in your heart that you may not have fully given over to Him. He is full of desire for You and goodness toward you. He can be trusted with everything.
Thanks for going on this journey through adoration prayer. This is just the beginning. We encourage you to keep going through the names and attributes of God because He is always revealing himself. It really is an exciting adventure that He has invited you to go on! Click the button below to get some practical tools to help you continue your adoration journey.