Welcome Charles!

We are so glad you are here at this Selah retreat. We have been praying for you. That God would encounter you, refresh you, give you insight and new perspectives, but most of all that you would feel His presence and love all day today. Below are various tools and exercises to help you as you journey throughout your day.

You are welcome to use your solitude time however you want, if you are interested there are devotionals and self guided exercises below.

The exercises have also been printed for you in case you want to physically fill them out.

Reminders: Feel free to use the restrooms and refill your water at a water station nearby throughout the day.!

Please only talk on cell phones outside or in your car.

Please use headphones when listening to anything type of audio in order to keep things quiet for those around you.

See below for Snack bar menu.

When the snack bar is open feel free to come into the front room of the barn or text Jenny what you would like 203-731-7612..

Your schedule is printed out and on top of the stack or papers on your desk.

Online Devotionals- Adoring God Project

  • Falling More In Love

    Part 1.  Iron Bell Music Song "Falling More In Love" 

    Part 2. Video: What is Adoration Prayer?

    Part 3. Video: Adoration Prayer Modeled 

    Part 4.  Video: Worship Alongside the Iron Bell Community

    Part 5. PDF: Practicals of How to Pray Adoration Prayer 

  • The "For Me" God

    Part 1. Iron Bell Music Song: "For Me"

    Part2. Video Testimony: Stephen McWhirter

    Part 3. Video Adoration Prayer: Shelley Dedrick 

    Part 4. Video Joseph's Journey: Gregg Dedrick

    Part 5. PDF: My Joseph Journey Exercise 

  • God of All Comfort

    Part 1.  "God of All Comfort" Introduction 

    Part 2. "God of All Comfort" Testimony: The Sauder's

    Part 3.  " God of All Comfort" Featuring Iron Bell Music 

    Part 4. "God of All Comfort" Prayer

 Help yourself to some self guided exercises below! These are also printed at your table is you prefer to journal/ physically fill them out.

A guided solo meditation including

breathwork and scriptures with music