Iron Bell Retreats

Throughout every season God has graciously used the Iron Bell as a safe place for anyone from any denomination and walk of life to come and be restored. 

We all need a safe place to become undone, hear from God, and receive  His perspective and healing.

This is and will continue to be the gift that the Iron Bell is to us personally and to those who visit. 

In the healing you may discover a passion that becomes resurrected, or clarity about a decision you’ve been searching for, or you may gain hope for a relationship that’s been broken.  But one thing we do know is God had graciously used this place and this ministry to help people get unstuck, reconnected to him in an intimate way, and in His timing, put back into circulation.

Whether you are experiencing a transition in life, simply weary and worn down, or coming out of a crisis, we are ready and available to provide that space for you. The Iron Bell offers several different types of retreats catered and customized to your needs. Each experience ensures a combination of privacy, personal ministry, and time alone with God to gain perspective and be renewed. See our retreat offerings below.

Selah Retreats- Upcoming Dates: TBD

Experience a day on the beautiful Iron Bell property enjoying times of lengthly solitude and relaxation. This day will include a personalized, private space for you to meet with God, along with opportunities for greater rest by experiencing other services of your choice. If your looking for a day getaway to recharge this is the perfect retreat for you!